Monthly Roundup — June 2021

Monthly Roundup for Holo & Holochain

June Edition

6 min readJun 30, 2021


Welcome to our monthly roundup, June edition. If you’re wondering what has been happening in the Holo and Holochain Ecosystem this past month, then this is for you!

It’s Closer Than it Appears

“You know those words you see on a car’s side mirror that say ‘objects in the mirror are closer than they appear’? In spite of that warning, it’s always a bit surprising when a car comes zooming past, out of the blue, when you thought it was way back in the distance.

I had that sort of experience yesterday morning. During my weekly check-in with Alastair from the Holo hosting dev team, he was practically bouncing in his seat. The reason for his excitement, in his words, was that “Holo is ready”. Alastair normally brings a critical, analytical mind to his work. (He ought to; he’s an engineer.) So when I saw him get excited, I knew there was a good reason for it.”

Read Dev Pulse 96It’s Closer Than It Appears

Holochain Gets Some Parts Upgrades

“A lot of what I’ve shared recently has been about Holo hosting — getting all the bits really robust so they handle both ‘happy path’ user interactions (everything is working as expected) and ‘sad path’ ones (HoloPort goes down, login fails, etc). But I haven’t spent much time talking about how Holochain itself is improving — and when I have, it’s usually been about bugfixes to support the aforementioned Holo work.

But behind the scenes, Holochain has been getting some big upgrades to some of its parts. This is mainly to make it faster — fast enough for the next stages of Elemental Chat testing. (And of course, Elemental Chat testing is really about Holo hosting and Holochain.)”

Read Dev Pulse 97 — Holochain Gets Some Parts Upgrades

A Developer Ecosystem in Full Bloom

In this edition of DevPulse, Paul gives a little tour of the developer ecosystem that seems to be taking off. Read about Holochain Gym, Holochain Open Dev, Holochain in Action, Ad4m and Perspect3vism, the Holo-REA project, DevCamp and get the latest updates from Holo & Holochain Dev teams.

Read Dev Pulse 98— A Developer Ecosystem in Full Bloom

Regular Holo Dev Updates on Twitter

If you are curious about the — hot from the press dev updates — those can be found on Holo Twitter.

Limits to Blockchain Scalability vs. Holochain

Vitalik Buterin, founder and designer of Ethereum, recently responded to a tweet by Elon Musk about increasing the block size and block times of DogeCoin by 10x and lowering the fees by 100x with a bit of a lecture on the limits of blockchain scalability. Much of what they want suggests a Holochain solution, so Art jumped into the conversation, too!

Read Art’s response here: Limits to Blockchain Scalability vs. Holochain

A Holochain DocuSign Challenge

Recently, DocuSign CEO Daniel Springer said it would never work to create a blockchain version of DocuSign because it would be extremely expensive and inefficient, even though the management of electronic signatures and agreements would seem to be just the kind of use case blockchain promises to address. But a decentralized version of DocuSign would be easy to create and simple to run on Holochain.

Read Josh’s take here: A Holochain DocuSign Challenge

NFTs on Holochain? Easy as Passing the Ball

Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have suddenly become rather popular. I don’t exactly know why now is their time — maybe it’s because celebrities are beginning to sell them, or maybe it’s because recent price increases of BTC and ETH have given hodlers a lot of new money to play with. Whatever the cause, the world is taking notice.

Some people think you have to add some additional consensus to manage scarcity of NFTs, but in Holochain, every element on every user’s chain is already guaranteed to be unique, and you don’t get scarcer than that. You just need to track the history of to whom the unique thing has been transferred.

Read Paul’s blog here: NFTs on Holochain? Easy as Passing the Ball

Extra for NFT enthusiasts: Check out the convo between DADA, a collaborative art platform building on Holochain, and co-founder Eric Harris-Braun.

Low Code Zone

A series focusing on simple hApp dev solutions for real humans. Low Code Zone explores the possibilities when agent centric solutions are combined with simple, modular tools that make building an app as simple as configuring a website.

Build it! [Powered by Holochain]

Build It! Is a short, live, guided tour of how to quickly develop working apps on Holochain using scaffolding and rapid application development tools.

Stay tuned for our next session with Rob, a developer on our Holo Hosting team.

Holochain Ecosystem Sessions

Ecosystem Sessions are long-form conversations with Holochain app builders on progress, beliefs and the ins and outs of building distributed solutions and organisations around them.

Rust In Blockchain Newsletter

RiB Newsletter #24 — Bridges

Upcoming Events:

Crypto-Commons Gathering – August 28-September 3 (new date!)

In the Holochain Ecosystem, community continues to hold events for devs and enthusiasts alike. Check out the Events section in the Holochain Forum to see the latest!

Events Recap:

Watch the replay of AMA 46

Just two weeks ago we’ve hosted an AMA 46, where we check in with the Founders of Holo & Holochain, Art and Eric. You can watch the replay here.

Orange Silicon Valley’s Panel: Responsible Data Journeys with Mary Camacho — watch the replay here!

Check out the Holochain Workshop Series hosted by AcornOak:

Interested in building a hApp? Join the Holochain Developer Forum and start your journey!

If you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our community — the best place to start is on our Twitter, Holochain or Holo Reddits.

For specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo or HoloPorts, you can read more, or contact us directly at

We hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s short news collection and we will catch you next month.

— Carolyn @ Holo




Written by HOLO

Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain

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