Monthly Roundup for Holo & Holochain

4 min readOct 1, 2021

Welcome to our monthly roundup! September has been another exciting month for us, as the HoloPort Alpha Program is almost ready to be used for Holo test nets, and the first sessions of the community-run Holochain DevCamp went live!

HoloPort Alpha Program Continues Growing

Last month, we officially launched registration for the HoloPort Alpha Program. Since then, we have seen over 800 successfully registered HoloPorts. We are finalizing the registration of dozens of additional HoloPorts so that we can begin using them for the Holo test nets, shortly. We are also continuing the deep integration work on the Holo infrastructure side.

Learn more about the HoloPort Alpha Program

Holochain v0.0.107 Release

This release which went live earlier this month brings few developer-facing features, but it’s a big one in terms of performance. Holochain v0.0.107 is set to unleash an explosion of progress for the HoloPort Alpha Program.

Even though we’ve released a number of Holochain versions with plenty of features and fixes, the version on the HoloPorts is over three months old. That’s mainly because we switched to a new database engine called SQLite. This change held long-term promise for making Holochain infinitely scalable via sharding, but in the short term, performance was much slower than the previous database engine, LMDB. The Holo team decided it would make an unacceptable experience for Elemental Chat testers, so they decided to stay with the LMDB version until the SQLite version could match its speed.

Read more about the latest release here

Regular Holo Dev Updates on Twitter

If you are curious about the — hot from the press dev updates — those can be found on Holo Twitter.

Music and Holochain

Universal Music, the largest of the three big music labels, went public last week. The valuation was something on the order of $53 billion, and this is another chapter of the story where profits from artists get paid out to corporations and shareholders rather than the creators themselves.

This IPO is about the past, though, not about the future. The vast majority of the music managed by the large labels is legacy catalogs now. And the majority of new music is not going into this old system. Still, the legacy catalogs continue to generate incredible revenue and profit for the labels, not necessarily the artists or even the publishers because of the way deals were negotiated for streaming. A few years back the contract between Spotify and Sony was made public, and it demonstrated that, despite all the laws in place to protect publishers and artists, agreements can be written to bolster the profits of labels instead. By specifically avoiding the language of royalties and instead paying as much as $42 million over three years in ‘advances’, they sidestepped the need to actually pay the artists.

Read Mary’s Article: Music and Holochain

Holochain Ecosystem Sessions

Ecosystem Sessions are long-form conversations with Holochain app builders on beliefs, the ins and outs of building distributed solutions, and a featured demo of the latest progress.

Rust In Blockchain Newsletter

RiB Newsletter #27

Holochain Dev Camp is Live

Holochain DevCamp #8 has officially started. The organizers received over 1800 applications from all over the world. That’s seven times more than last Dev Camp! The organizers have taken the past couple months to strategize with the developer community and Holo organization to make sure it’s a success for all, and its officially go-time.

We will continue to post updates on the Holochain Twitter.

Watch the replay of AMA 48

Earlier this month we hosted AMA 48, where we gave vital details of the (just launched) HoloPort Alpha Program. You can watch the replay here.

Holo is Hiring

We’re Hiring! Holo is excited to continue our mission by expanding our team. Check out the open positions below:

Interested in building a hApp? Join the Holochain Developer Forum and start your journey!

If you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our community — the best place to start is on our Twitter, Holochain or Holo Reddits.

For specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo or HoloPorts, you can read more, or contact us directly at

We’ve loved sharing this journey with you, and look forward to what the future has in store. I hope you’ve enjoyed this month’s short news collection and will catch you with more updates and news next month.

— Sarah @ Holo




Written by HOLO

Holo is a distributed cloud hosting platform for peer-to-peer Holochain apps (hApps); building a better web. Powered by @Holochain

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