Dev Pulse 55- Tour of HoloPort Admin Dashboard
In this week’s Dev Pulse, we have a more detailed look at the HoloPort Admin Dashboard App, including screenshots. If you’ve been curious about what the HoloPort management will actually look like, this post should be useful to you. HoloPort hosts will get a better idea of how they can manage their devices, set prices for hosting, and determine which hApps they will host.
You can now Test you hApp over the Internet with Holoscape and sim2h
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Read all the latest Holochain articles on the Holochain Blog
Want to get to know the team better? Watch 5 minutes with Dan Quinton
Have you heard the news? We are shipping HoloPorts in 2019!!
Here is a glimpse of what we did at the hAppathon in Barcelona this week!
Check out Holochain Core Concepts for a better, more bite size understanding of Holochain
We are looking for a Lead DevOps Engineer with NixOs, Rust and Cloudflare! Could that be you?
David Atkinson was interviewed by the Coin Chat at Malta AI Blockchain Summit, talking about what is Holo and what is Holochain?
Watch the Holo AMA №32 w/ Matt Schutte, Arthur Brock, and Mary Camacho
Upcoming Events:
Holochain Dinner in Zurich on December 4th
Holochain Meetup in New York City on December 11th
Hackathon in Portugal January 10–12 stay tuned for details & registration
As always, if you have general questions about Holo, Holochain, or HoloPorts — or want to join our enthusiastic community — the best place to start is on our Telegram Chat.
If you have specific questions or any technical issues regarding Holo, you can read more, or contact us directly at